Crack Control

Crack controlis an inspection process that should be done in detail before repair. During the repair process, the formation of cracks must be completed. It is essential to examine whether the cracks are open to repair. The structure should not have reached the level of loss of function due to cracks. There are different repair methods depending on the width in seat cracks and plastic shrinkage cracks.

Capillary fracture types are difficult to distinguish by eye. They have a size of 1-2 mm. Rust can be seen in the reinforcements of the structure due to the moisture leaking into the crack. It may lose its building function due to exposure to outdoor conditions. They cause the structures to weaken over time. Water leakage and similar situations are not desired in cracks with a thickness of more than 3 mm. Additive mortars such as filling with cement grout, sealing with epoxy resin, and high quality cement mortars with fine sand can be used for crack filling. The process is carried out under pressure in order to ensure that it is thoroughly fed deep in the closure with epoxy resin.

Creating a Crack Map in Crack Investigations

Crack research for crack control is possible with a site visit. Control is carried out with detailed visual examinations. There are some important points to be done during the site visit process. First of all, a crack map should be created that provides information about the locations and properties of the cracks. All important elements such as joints, columns, constraints, etc. should be included and indicated on this map. Afterwards, measurements should be made on the dimensions of the cracks.

In the case of ground concrete, the joint intervals should be measured. In addition, it is necessary to measure the depth of the joints. Afterwards, the visual file should be completed with plenty of photography. In order to investigate the causes of cracks, it is also necessary to obtain construction project drawings.

Issues Considered in Crack Control

It is necessary to evaluate some design information aboutcrack control . Obtaining the concrete mixture recipe and loading waybills to the mixer will provide information about the type, class and quality of the concrete. It is useful to examine the quality control test results of concrete. Investigation of concrete casting conditions also contributes. Having knowledge about the weather in concrete casting conditions and the hardening quality and placement of the concrete allows the best examination to be made.

It is necessary to learn when the cracks were first seen. The most accurate reason can be determined by obtaining sufficient documents. Drawing and measurements of cracks are very valuable information. It is also important to obtain copies of the project drawings. Making a drawing with a scale will provide a better understanding. The issue of noting the crack depths should not be neglected. A realistic and regular crack map forms the basis of the crack control work.

Equipment in Crack Control

It is necessary to master some parameters and measurements forcrack control . The crack comparison card is a very useful equipment. An optical crack meter can also be used instead of a crack comparison card. The application is made by noting the thickness amount and width of the line on the crack. It is determined that the correct measurement is made by comparison by alignment.

After determining the actual crack dimensions, it is necessary to make sure that the spills on the crack edges are not measured. If necessary, the measurement of surface dimensions caused by spillage should also be carried out using methods. For suitable solution equipment and method, widths are of great importance.

Evaluation of Crack Condition

One parameter forcrack control is the activity status of the crack. The repair method to be used varies if it is active or inactive. Solution equipment is selected depending on whether the crack is mobile or not. Growth continues for the active crack. Dimensions change with external factors such as temperature changes. In non-moving cracks, the dimensions are fixed. Repair is possible with flexible or rigid materials.

Crack Control
Ultrasonic Crack Control
Section Interval KSR / FBH Length
Rounded 10,000 ÷ 60,000 0,70 3000 ÷ 4000
Hexagon 10,000 ÷ 50,000 0,70 3000 ÷ 4000
Rounded 10,000 ÷ 40,000 0,70 3000 ÷ 4000
Crack Control Method
Section Status Interval Length Class Method
Rounded +C 3,000mm ÷ 6,500mm 3000mm ÷ 4000mm 1 Defectomat
Rounded +C 7,000mm ÷ 65,000mm 3000mm ÷ 6000mm 1 – 2 Defectomat + Circograph
Rounded +SL 3,000mm ÷ 6,500mm 3000mm ÷ 4000mm 1 Defectomat
Rounded +SL 7,000mm ÷ 65,000mm 3000mm ÷ 6000mm 1 – 2 – 3 Defectomat + Circograph
Hexagon +C 7,000mm ÷ 12,000mm 3000mm ÷ 4000mm 1 – 2 Defectomat
Hexagon +C 13,000mm ÷ 55,000mm 3000mm ÷ 6000mm 1 – 2 Defectomat
Square +C 10,000mm ÷ 15,000mm 3000mm ÷ 4000mm 1 Defectomat