High-quality Automaton Steel: Perfect Automaton Steels Where Durability and Performance Meet

According to researches, the manufacturing sector in Turkey uses approximately 10 million tons of vending steel every year. This is an impressive situation because automaton steel an important material used in many industrial branches. Automaton steel is especially low-cost steels. It allows reworking of broken parts when subjected to rapid hardening. In addition, since these steels are suitable, the machining of any part is even more affordable.

The most important feature that distinguishes these steels from others is that they are easy to process. In addition, it allows a large number of operations such as sheathing, drilling, opening and turning to be carried out on lathes in an appropriate way.

In particular, the fact that vending steelis machinable allows it to be preferred more than other steels. This helps it to have higher quality in its materials during the production phase. In addition, the processing time, service life and many points of the material can be advanced more easily.

For this reason, vending steels are among the steels used in different areas today. These steels greatly harden the parts they are used and ensure that the part is more durable in this respect.

Crucial Information

  • Vending steel offers customers a wide variety for precision machining and production.
  • High surface quality, low carbon and phosphorus ratio make vending steel an ideal option.
  • Vending steel optimizes machining time and tool life thanks to its ability to be machined quickly and efficiently.
  • Its machinability and good lubricity improves part strength and reduces problems during machining.
  • Vending machine are offered at different prices depending on their usage areas and features.

What is Automat Steel?

What is automaton steel the question is one of the questions that individuals who use these steels in various industrial areas are curious about. The right answer to this question is the features that distinguish this steel from others. The most important feature of vending steel is that it can be processed at a high level. Thanks to this feature, it can be easily added and removed from parts or various lathes.

In addition, vending steels allow cleaner surfaces to be obtained compared to others. For this reason, vending steel is used not only for turning, threading, etc., but also to obtain clean and smooth surfaces. In general, vending steel has a carbon value between 0.07% and 0.60%. However, steels with a sulfur ratio of 0.15% to 0.40% are also called automatic steels. In addition, the phosphorus ratio is between 0.07% and 0.10%.

Especially phosphorus, sulfur and carbon are among the most important components as they increase the level of workability of these steels. For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention to the alloy ratios in the vending steel in order to provide a high level of performance and to make it easier to process the material later. All these alloys allow the vending steel to show a great deal of brittleness and to be more easily machined.

Vending Steel Usage Areas

Vending steel is one of the steels that are actively used in different areas thanks to its many features. Vending steels have a wide range of uses due to their various properties, purposes and advantages. These areas are as follows;

  • Used for automotive industry and various parts of automotive
  • Continuously preferred for machines used in industry
  • It is one of the indispensable types of steel, especially in the
  • It is used in equipment areas and similar sectors.
  • It is one of the preferred steels in the production of construction materials.
  • Optical devices can be preferred when manufacturing measuring devices and precision mechanical devices

The areas of use of vending steels are usually as above. Due to their properties, these steels are not only limited to the above areas, but are also preferred for different industrial areas. The main reason for this is that vending steel is more cost-effective than others.

otomat çeliği nedir

Otomat Steel Types

Spektral Metal offers a wide range of high-quality vending steels. These varieties are designed to excel in your delicate work. By guiding those who want toorder vending steel, we aim to tell you which variety is most suitable for your business.

What are the Advantages of Vending Steel Types?

Otomat Steel Types

  • It increases work efficiency thanks to its fast cutting ability.
  • It provides excellent surface quality and makes it possible to machine the workpiece smoothly.
  • It provides long-term use with its high durability.
  • It can be easily processed in automatic processing machines.

As Otomat Steel varieties, here are some examples you can find in Spectral Metal:

Steel Type Features
Automat 11SMn37 It provides excellent cutting performance for sensitive jobs.
Automat 11SMnPb30 Provides high workpiece quality and durability.
Automat 11SMnPb37 It offers high surface quality and machinability.

These steels are ideal options for those who want to order vending steel. By choosing any of the vending steels that are Spektral Metal's specialty, you can perfectly complete your delicate work.

Automat Steel Prices

Vending machine steel prices vary according to many factors. For this reason, it is not possible to give a clear price information. However, in general, vending steels are more cost-effective than other types of steel. This affordable cost manifests itself as a net price both in the use phase and in the purchase phase.

In particular, the fact that steels called vending machines are more usable and can be processed in various stages provides a great advantage to their users. These advantages stand out in terms of both materiality and practicality.

In general, vending steels have a clear price in line with their component and alloy values. This prevents prices from being in a clear range. However, the net price can be obtained by calculating the amount to be purchased, steel sizes, steel components and alloys. Another easy way to find out the prices ofvending machines is to contact the seller companies. Vending steel manufacturers allow you to get information about the net prices of these steels.

otomat çeliği

Overview of Vending Steels

Vending steels are high-quality materials with a wide range of uses in industrial sectors. Specially designed vending steelsstand out with their features such as durability, strength and high performance. In this section, detailed information about the areas of use, features and advantages of vending steels will be given.

Automat Steel Features

Vending steels are high-quality steels and have many features. These characteristics are the factors that distinguish vending steel from other steels and make it an ideal option.

This ensures a smooth surface in steel products. High surface qualityimproves the aesthetic appearance of vending steel and makes the appearance of parts attractive after machining.

In addition, vending steel has a low carbon ratio and phosphorus ratio feature. The low carbon ratiomakes steels less brittle and helps parts to gain high strength and durability. Low phosphorus content reduces fragile chip formation and provides more stable and reliable results during processing.


Vending steel also has an important advantage in terms of machinability, especially thanks to its breeding feature.

Vending steel has a special processing ability that allows high cutting speeds. This allows rapid progress in the production process and significantly reduces processing time. It also reduces costs by optimizing tool life.

From a technical point of view, vending steel has a high temperature tolerance and good lubrication ability. This ensures that the parts are shaped more smoothly and smoothly during machining. In addition, lubrication increases the part strength and helps to obtain longer-lasting products.

Vending steels have a significant effect on processing tools. High cutting speedsmean faster and more efficient production, while significantly reducing processing time. It also optimizes tool life and provides a competitive advantage by reducing the costs of businesses.

Vending steels have a wide range of uses in the manufacturing industry. It is often preferred in mass production, apparatus construction and production of precision mechanical parts. These steels give the best results in many industrial applications thanks to their high quality and properties.

The properties of vending steels prove to be very valuable features in the industry. Factors such as high quality surfaces, low carbon and phosphorus ratios, machinability , processing speed and tool life allow vending steels to occupy an important place.

Leaded Automat Steel

Although leaded vending steel is not often preferred today, it is considered one of the most important steels. Leaded vending steels obtained by the addition of lead components to normal vending steels are preferred to obtain various actions.

However, lead does not always give the desired efficiency. For this reason, unleaded steels are generally preferred in the areas of use of vending steels. Unleaded steels have more functionality. In addition, lead alloys may cause the desired functionality and surface cleanliness of vending steels to be lost. Today, sulfur is generally preferred instead of lead. Thanks to sulfur, a great deal of smoothness and machinability is achieved in steels.

Vending steel measurements are generally made on sulfur. For this reason, as in the 4140 steel varieties, the situation is the same in this variety.

Unleaded Automat Steel

Lead-free vending machine steel is more preferred because it has an easier use. For this reason, its usage area is wider and more than leaded steels. More functional unleaded steels are also highly processable thanks to their sulfur content.

This allows lead-free vending steels to be used in furniture, machinery equipment, construction industry and all kinds of fasteners, especially in sensitive machine parts. In addition, the areas of use of lead-free steels are not limited to these. At the same time, unleaded steels are preferred in the white goods industry.

Unleaded steels, which have high standards, are also preferred by vending steel manufacturers and lead-free steels are more common in terms of production. The main reason for this is to ensure that these steels can remain within the affordable cost limits and not to disrupt their functionality. However, there are many areas where these two steel models, which are separated from each other as leaded and unleaded, are also used.

otomat çeliği fiyatları


Equip. No. DIN (OLD) DIN (NEW) SAE / AISI G Si Mn Pmax S Pb


1.0711 9 S 20   1212 0.00-0.12 0.10-0.35 0.75-1.10 0.03 0.08-0.13
1.0715 9 SMn 28 11SMN30 1213 0.00-0.14 0.00-0.05 0.90-1.30 0.11 0.27-0.33
1.0718 9 SMnPb 28 11SMNPB30 12L13 0.00-0.14 0.00-0.05 0.90-1.30 0.11 0.27-0.33 0.20-0.35
1.0736 9 SMn 36 11SMN37 1215 0.00-0.14 0.00-0.05 1.00-1.50 0.11 0.34-0.40
1.0737 9 SMnPb 36 11SMNPB37 12L14 0.00-0.14 0.00-0.05 1.00-1.50 0.11 0.34-0.40 0.20-0.35


1.0721 10 S 20   1108 0.00-0.12 0.10-0.35 0.75-1.10 0.03 0.08-0.13
1.0722 10 SPb 20   11L08 0.07-0.13 0.00-0.40 0.70-1.10 0.060 0.15-0.25 0.20-0.35
1.0726 35 S 20   1140 0.32-0.39 0.00-0.40 0.70-1.10 0.060 0.15-0.25
1.0727 45 S 20   1146 0.42-0.50 0.00-0.40 0.70-1.10 0.060 0.15-0.25
1.0728 60 S 20   0.57-0.65 0.10-0.30 0.70-1.10 0.060 0.18-0.25


1.0711 9 S 20   1212 Mass production parts in the automotive industry, apparatus and device construction
1.0715 9 SMn 28 11SMN30 1213 Widely used in mass production as high strength vending steel in automotive industry, appliance and apparatus making
1.0718 9 SMnPb 28 11SMNPB30 12L13 Widely used in mass production as high strength vending steel in automotive industry, appliance and apparatus making
1.0721 10 S 20   1108 In the automotive industry, in the construction of devices, apparatus and machinery, serial parts that require cementation
1.0722 10 SPb 20   11L08 In the automotive industry, in the construction of devices, apparatus and machinery, better machinability with the addition of lead
1.0726 35 S 20   1140 In the automotive industry, in the construction of devices, apparatus and machinery, medium strength serial parts that require improvement
1.0727 45 S 20   1146 In the automotive industry, in the construction of devices, apparatus and machinery, high strength serial parts that require improvement
1.0728 60 S 20   In the automotive industry, in the construction of devices, apparatus and machinery, high strength serial parts that require improvement
1.0736 9 SMn 36 11SMN37 1215 In the automotive industry, in the construction of devices, apparatus and machinery, serial parts that require cementation
1.0737 9 SMnPb 36 11SMNPB37 12L14 In the automotive industry, in the construction of devices, apparatus and machinery, serial parts that require cementation Lead-added

Frequently Asked Questions

Vending steels are steels with high machinability properties and are used in precision machining and production applications. çeliklerdir ve hassas işleme ve üretim uygulamalarında kullanılırlar.


Vending steel is often preferred in mass production, apparatus construction and production of precision mechanical parts.


Before ordering vending machine steel, it is important to know what purpose it will be used for. First of all, after determining the purpose of use, you can order any type of automatic steel.

You can contact Spectral Metal forvending steel order. You can buy vending steel from our large stock at affordable prices or place a special order.


Prices of vending steels vary depending on their cross-section and diameter. Spectral Metal offers you competitive prices.


Vending steels are widely used in many industries where automatic control systems of automotive, aerospace, electronics, medical and machinery are generally used. These steels are preferred in the production of precision parts because they have high strength, abrasion resistance and durability.

Vending steels are widely used in many industries where automatic control systems of automotive, aerospace, electronics, medical and machinery are generally used. These steels are preferred in the production of precision parts because they have high strength, abrasion resistance and durability.